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18VR: Stacy Sommers  Making Up: [UltraHD/2K 1440p | 823 MB]

Stacy Sommers Making Up

You had an argument with your girlfriend last night,the two of you were feeling pretty sour by the time you finally decided to hit the hay. The alarm clock did not sound this morning,when you woke up the kitchen had been cleaned,your breakfast was already on the table. As you ponder your existence,sip on a glass of fresh orange juice, you hear some rustling in the laundry room, it's your girl Stacy. She feels awful silly about the row the two of you had,she wants to put it behind you,,now that she's finished the chores, she wants to make it up to you. When you move to the bedroom,she takes you in her mouth, you can't even remember what you were arguing about,,when you're balls deep